Find Uniformity Within the Chaos
Learn this effective technique for showcasing just one aspect of complex scenes
Learn this effective technique for showcasing just one aspect of complex scenes
It is a major challenge to be prescriptive with art, right? Whenever I’m teaching workshops and I get questions like, is this the best focal
I spent some of my most formative years as a photographer shooting along the coast, striving to capture it in photos and dodging many a
Right. You always gotta be thinking about how you can take things up to the next level. You can’t just rest on your laurels. If
Here’s a question for you: How do you tell captivating stories with your landscape photography that tell your viewers what you want them to know
Hello my excellent friends. If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know that the full moon is one of my favorite
If I could recommend one thing to you that would make the biggest difference in your landscape photography. It wouldn’t be to buy a new
Hey. So as you can see, I’ve got a bunch of lenses lined up here on my desk. And if you had to guess, which
Create amazing landscape photos by keeping things simple. In this video learn how to set up a simple, powerful composition for better landscape imagery.
Step behind the lens and learn all the decisions I made while creating this image from Cuyoc in the Cordillera Huayhuash Mountains in Peru including
Leading Lines are one of the simplest ideas in composition, but also one of the most powerful because they are used to draw your viewers
In large part I built my photography career on seascape images and harbor a deep love for them. Yet as beautiful as the ocean is it
Joshua Cripps is a renowned landscape photographer who has garnered worldwide acclaim for his breathtaking images of our planet’s wild places. His photos have been published by the likes of National Geographic, NASA, CNN, BBC, and Nikon Global.
The Mt. Whitney Gallery was founded in 2023 by Joshua Cripps as a way to share his passion stunning landscapes of the Sierra Nevada and beyond.
Set at the foot of the breathtaking Sierra with a view of the range’s highest peaks, the gallery features large format, museum-caliber fine art prints of Josh’s signature photographs.
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