What Makes a Good Photograph?

We all want to be good photographers, but have you ever asked yourself, “what makes a good photograph?” I believe that if you want to be good photographer, you should give lots of thought this question. The truth is, most of us get stuck at “pretty.” If we shoot a landscape photo that’s pretty, we’re happy to […]

The Best Noise Reduction for Milky Way Photos: Image Stacking

Probably the most common image quality issue in night photography is noise. Shooting dark scenes at short shutter speeds and high ISOs is a proven recipe for grainy images (technically it’s not the ISO itself that’s responsible for the noise, but that’s a whole other topic). This leaves many photographers wondering how to obtain a […]

How to Visit a Landscape Photography Gallery, Part I

A friend recently said to me that he wasn’t sure how to visit a photography gallery. He doesn’t think of himself as an art collector or fine art connoisseur and he didn’t know if he’d be able to appreciate the work on display, or if the salespeople would be patronizing or not. I’ve seen a […]

Photographing the Deepest Valley in the US (Owens Valley Adventure, Part 1)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFwUy15vtXY In photography. It’s easy to focus on the results and to forget about the process. It’s easy to see the pretty picture and not have any sense of what actually went into creating it. Those early wake ups, the cold, the wind, but the truth is every photograph is like an iceberg. There’s this […]

The Most Remote Arch in the Alabama Hills (Owens Valley Adventure, Part 2)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk-h5kU7vlU It’s Josh Cripps here. And I am out this morning, the Owens river here in the Owens Valley. Look at the light on those peaks. That is nice. This is not the reason that I’m actually out here this weekend. I’m headed to the Alabama Hills because there’s a specific arch that I want […]

Create PERFECT Milky Way Composites Blends in Photoshop (3 Common Mistakes)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi0N8hxgUP8 So I recently took a poll about one of my Milky way photos. And unfortunately I only got one response and that response was really harsh. That’s right. You was complaining about a very common problem in Milky way photography, which is the foreground and sky blend looking funky. So in this video, I’m […]

Finding Paradise: A Short Film About the Most Beautiful Place in California


Every time I’ve come close to dying. It’s involved a mountain, a steep slope and a somewhat reckless human. Uh, me, my name is Josh Cripps and I’ve had the unbelievable fortune to travel the world as a landscape photographer for most of the past decade. And in my years of adventuring around the planet, […]

The 5 Commandments of Landscape Photography (Do These Or Fail)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm7tZkJUIdU Now you’re recording yuupppp and this guy is recording too. Okay. Starting to get a little bit cold, and I’m going to put on a beanie because I’m kinda old and scene! You’re very welcome for that, everybody.   It is a major challenge to be prescriptive with art, right? Whenever I’m teaching workshops […]

Create a Magic, Dreamy Glow (Orton Effect) in Lightroom. It’s EASY.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCcG5xL9QXY&t=18s If you’ve ever come across a photo online that has a really nice, soft, focused, soft, glowy effect to it. And you’ve wondered exactly how the photographer managed that. Well, this is incredibly easy to accomplish in light room. In fact, it only takes two sliders and I’m going to show you how to […]

Stop Trying To Be A “Better” Photographer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0roGGAbNrnQ This is going to sound really weird, but one of the biggest mistakes I see with landscape photographers is that they’re constantly trying to get better, but this hand wavy a morphous pursuit of better can actually kill your progress as a photographer. And I’m going to tell you why right now. Greetings my […]

6 Tips For Killer Seascape Photography

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T17bcSXzMZs Greeting my excellent friends. It’s Josh Cripps here. I spent some of my most formative years as a photographer here, shooting along the coast, striving to capture it in photos and dodging many a row wave. Now, during those years, I learned many important lessons about what makes for powerful seascape photos. And in […]

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